Insights & stories

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A window into a world of limitless possibilities: where we explore the frontiers of innovation and technology, embrace trends in sustainability and scrutinise exciting developments in tomorrow's world. We want to excite you with our insights and stories. Enjoy!

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A Global Movement: The World Unites in a Pink Pledge for Clean and Sustainable Water

Smart Health & Care

5,000 participants. 32 countries. €30,000 funds raised. And that's just the beginning.

Picture this: One step that sends ripples across the globe, transforming lives and creating waves of change. You might wonder, how can such a simple action for most of us have such a profound impact?


Sustainability and circularity in construction

Smart Buildings & Infrastructure

Join us in transforming the future of construction, creating buildings that not only stand the test of time but also contribute to a healthier planet!


RainTunes: Shower scenarios for the soul

Smart Home & Out-of-home

Light, hearing, smell, and touch: Together with experts, we have developed sensuous scenarios that turn showering into an individual experience. Whether you want to prepare for the day ahead or relax after working out. Whether you want to refresh after a day’s work or unwind at the end of the evening: RainTunes surprises with multisensory experiences.*

*Currently available only in Germany and Austria.


The future of work: embracing the four-day, 32-hour workweek with AFAS

Smart Work

Living Tomorrow, dedicated to exploring the future of work, is sharing its insights on a groundbreaking initiative by our esteemed partner, AFAS Software. This forward-thinking company has taken a bold step towards redefining the traditional work paradigm by introducing a four-day, 32-hour workweek for all its employees.

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Building a Greener Future: Sustainability in the Construction Sector

Smart Buildings & Infrastructure

In today's rapidly urbanizing world, the construction sector plays a pivotal role in shaping the environment and, consequently, our future. However, traditional construction practices are often resource-intensive and environmentally detrimental.

The industry is increasingly embracing sustainability to reduce its ecological footprint. This blog delves into the key aspects of sustainability in construction.

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The Power of Grey Water: Conserving Resources for a Sustainable Future

In a world where water scarcity is becoming a pressing issue, the concept of grey water recycling is gaining significant attention. Grey water refers to relatively clean wastewater generated from household activities such as bathing, washing dishes, and laundry. 

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